When Lenovo notebook uses "System Restore", the following content will be restored:
1. Register Table
2. Configuration files (local configuration files only, configuration files of roaming users are not affected by system restore)
4. WFP.dll cache
6.IIS metadata
7.SDK document Monitored file extensions are affected by "System Restore" File types monitored
What will not be restored:
1.DRM settings
2.Passwords in the SAM hive
3. WPA settings (Windows authentication information will not be restored)
4. "Monitored file extensions" column in the "System Restore" section of "Platform SDK" Specific directories/files out of the folder, such as the "My Documents" folder
5. All file types monitored by "System Restore" (such as .doc, .jpg, etc.)
6. Items listed in Filesnottobackup and KeysnottoRestore in the registry (hklm->system->controlset001->control->backuprestore->filesnottobackup and keysnottorestore)
7. Stored in the user configuration file User-created data
8. Redirect the contents of the folder