If you want to save Kuaishou pictures, first register Kuaishou with your mobile phone and then log in to the page, click on the video where you want to save the picture, and find the share button above the video. After clicking Share, select "Copy Link", paste the copied link into Baidu Browser, long press the image page and select "Save to Album" to save the image.
Step 1
Preparation tools: mobile phone, Kuaishou app, Baidu browser.
Step 2
If your phone does not have Kuaishou, you need to download a Kuaishou app on your phone first. After downloading Kuaishou, you can log in through the verification code of your mobile phone number.
Step 3
After opening the Kuaishou app, select one of the videos with pictures, click to enter the main video page, and you will see an arrow above it. Click the arrow to enable the sharing function.
Step 4
After turning on sharing, a dialog box option will pop up. Click "Copy Link" to copy the link to the web page.
Step 5
Open Baidu Browser, paste and open the copied web page, long press the picture page and select "Save to Album" in the conversation box to save the picture. .